Rumors: A Verizon iPhone in 2010
Posted by Philip Elmer-DeWittTwo sources say Apple is building a hybrid "worldmode" phone that Verizon could useJudging from reader comments in this s...
传闻Verizon iPhone将于2010年面世
作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt据两个消息来源称,苹果正在打造一款Verizon能使用的混合“全球统一终端”手机。从我博客空间上的读者评论来看,在美国,有很多手机用户受困于Verizon合同,假如他们不需变换运营商就能用上iPhone,他们马上就会去买一部。Verizon已经很明确的表示...
10 million Verizon iPhones?
The hearts of more than a few Verizon subscribers skipped a beat Thursday with a rumor out of Taiwan that Apple (AAPL) had ordered a huge number of iP...
Verizon iPhone unveiling next week?
Manufacturing would begin in March for delivery in June, says an analystby Philip Elmer-DeWitt"We believe there is a good chance," writes Canaccord Ad...
一名分析师称,Verizon版iPhone将于3月份开始生产,6月份发售。作者:Philip Elmer-DeWitt美国投资公司Canaccord Adams分析师彼得•米赛克(Peter Misek)周三在写给顾客的报告中提到:“下周的发布会上很有可能宣布两件与iPhone相关的事情:苹果将于6...
The Verizon iPhone: Good for Apple, bad for RIM
Even if iPhone on the Verizon network isn't revolutionary, it is another straw to break the back of IT departments reluctant to move away from BlackBe...
你想要iPhone还是黑莓(Blackberry)手机?企业雇员们越来越多地被公司IT部门问到这个问题。Verizon Wireless的CDMA版iPhone将于二月上市,届时,越来越多的企业用户们将能够在iPhone和黑莓之间进行选择,前者最大的卖点是触摸屏,而后者的优势则在于收发电子邮件。这对...
What if Verizon did get an iPhone?
Suspending disbelief for a moment, Oppenheimer's Yair Reiner takes at face value Tuesday's Bloomberg story -- and the Wall Street Journal report that ...
Verizon iPhone: Not the dream phone after all
The Verizon iPhone 4. Not all that different-looking from the AT&T version.Earlier today, Verizon Wireless finally confirmed its worst-kept secret, an...
The Valentine's Day iPhone
Is Cupid's day the date for the long-awaited launch of an iPhone for Verizon?Here's how these rumors get started. Someone tipped off Peter Burrows at ...